Intertec Data Solutions

Digital Marketing VS Web Development – What’s The Difference

Digital Marketing VS Web Development

In this blog we look at digital marketing vs web development and how you need a mixture of both, to have a successful digital strategy. In today’s world, digital marketing has become an integral part of business strategy. It helps businesses reach out to their target audience through various channels.

Digital Marketing is the process of promoting products or services using electronic media. The term “digital marketing” includes all forms of online advertising, such as search engine optimisation (SEO), social media marketing, email marketing, display advertising, mobile advertising, video advertising, and so on.

However, it is important to understand what exactly digital marketing entails before embarking on this journey.

Digital marketing paid and organic

There are two main categories of digital marketing – paid and organic. Paid digital marketing involves paying money to promote your product or service. Organic digital marketing, on the other hand, does not involve any monetary investment. This type of marketing relies on building relationships with potential customers via quality content.

Digital Marketing vs Web Development: What’s The Difference?

While both these methods work well, there are some differences between them. Paid digital marketing includes advertising, search engine optimisation (SEO), social media marketing, email marketing, etc. On the other hand, web development refers to creating websites using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, Java, etc.

Why Is Digital Marketing Important For Businesses?

Digital marketing is the backbone of any business. It is used to increase sales and reach out to customers. It focuses on the channels that are most popular with the customers and reaches them through those channels. The three main types of digital marketing are search engine optimisation, social media marketing, and email marketing.

Digital marketing is one of the most effective ways to promote your business online. It allows you to connect with potential customers at any given moment. This makes it easier for people to find your products and services.

Types Of Digital Marketing

The three main types of digital marketing are search engine optimisation, social media marketing, and email marketing. Then there are two main categories of digital marketing: paid and organic. Paid marketing includes advertising campaigns that use pay per click (PPC), display ads, social media marketing, email marketing, and more. Organic marketing refers to the free methods of promotion, such as search engine optimisation (SEO) and social media marketing.

Benefits Of Digital Marketing

In the past, people relied on traditional media to get their messages out. They would advertise in newspapers, magazines, radio, and television. But now with digital marketing, people can reach hundreds of thousands of people with just a few clicks. Digital Marketing is also much more affordable than traditional forms of marketing.

DM is the use of internet and mobile technologies to reach a wider audience.

Digital marketing can be used for many different purposes, some of which are:

– Branding

– Lead Generation

– Sales

– Customer Service

– Customer Retention

– Product Development

In conclusion

Both digital marketing and web development play a vital role in any business. However, there are some differences between them. It is not a case picking between the two. To have a successful business online and enjoy the abundance of opportunities you have to grow your business, you definitely need both.

If you would like to know how we can help you, talk with one of our business development or marketing consultants today, just give us a call or drop us an email.

Call us today for a free consultation. Tel: 01276 691199

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